Monthly Archives: February 2014

First-round voting open for XYZZY Awards 2013

The nomination round of voting in the 2013 Awards is open. You can log in here and then cast your votes here. The first round will remain open through March 9th.

A reminder: it is not OK to canvass for votes, either for your own games or for someone else’s. Talking about the Awards is fine, but “hey guys, this game I wrote is up for an award, go and vote for it” is not, regardless of whether you do so on a major game blog or your personal Facebook page. Exercise your best judgement.

The exception to this rule is the set of (experimental) For Your Consideration polls on IFDB for the Individual categories – Best Individual Puzzle, Best Individual Player Character and Best Individual Non-Player Character. These awards can be more challenging to vote for, so if you’re struggling to come up with something and would like to try a few more games before you make your mind up, or if you think there’s a puzzle or character that deserves a second look, go forth and have fun.


Today someone pointed out to me that a) old comments on the blog seem to have vanished, and b) new comments weren’t showing up at all. Oh dear.

Problem b) has been fixed, as far as we can tell. Problem a) is leaving us scratching our heads – there have been somewhat-similar issues in WordPress before, it’d seem, but the analogous things have known solutions which don’t work for us. Poking around on the backend has not found anything.

Anyhow. We apologise. If you’ve tried to post comments recently and failed, you should be able to do so now. We’ll see what we can figure out about restoring lost comments, but right now it’s not looking promising.

Eligiblity list for XYZZY Awards 2013

The list of games eligible for the 2013 XYZZY Awards has been compiled. Our list-compiler, David Welbourn, has the full list up at Key and Compass, together with notes on ineligible games.

This is the first year that we’ve applied the new standards, so it’s possible that we’ve made an error or two. If you notice any, now is the time to correct them; we welcome comment either here or in the thread.

First-round voting will open shortly.