XYZZY Awards Historical Results
The following are the finalists for the 2018 XYZZY Awards. For more historical data, you can
return to the historical results page.Best Game
- Alias 'The Magpie' (J. J. Guest)
- Bogeyman (Elizabeth Smyth)
- Cannery Vale (Hanon Ondricek)
- Cragne Manor (Ryan Veeder, Jenni Polodna, et al.)
- I.A.G. Alpha (Serhii Mozhaiskyi)
Best Writing
- Alias 'The Magpie' (J. J. Guest)
- Animalia (Ian Michael Waddell)
- Bogeyman (Elizabeth Smyth)
- Human Errors (Katherine Morayati)
- Tethered (Linus Åkesson)
Best Story
- Alias 'The Magpie' (J. J. Guest)
- Animalia (Ian Michael Waddell)
- Bogeyman (Elizabeth Smyth)
- Cannery Vale (Hanon Ondricek)
- Dead Man's Fiesta (Ed Sibley)
- Dungeon Detective (Wonaglot, Caitlin Mulvihill)
Best Setting
- Alias 'The Magpie' (J. J. Guest)
- Bogeyman (Elizabeth Smyth)
- Cannery Vale (Hanon Ondricek)
- Six Silver Bullets (William Dooling)
Best Puzzles
- I.A.G. Alpha (Serhii Mozhaiskyi)
- Illuminismo Iniziato (Michael J. Coyne)
- Junior Arithmancer (Mike Spivey)
- The Lurking Horror II: The Lurkening (Ryan Veeder)
- The Temple of Shorgil (Arthur DiBianca)
Best NPCs
- Alias 'The Magpie' (J. J. Guest)
- Animalia (Ian Michael Waddell)
- Bogeyman (Elizabeth Smyth)
- Erstwhile (Maddie Fialla, Marijke Perry)
Best Individual Puzzle
- defeating Ynf-Okh-Omm in The Lurking Horror II: The Lurkening (Ryan Veeder)
- The last Flower Child puzzle in The Temple of Shorgil (Arthur DiBianca)
- Rooftop puzzle in I.A.G. Alpha (Serhii Mozhaiskyi)
- solving your murder in Erstwhile (Maddie Fialla, Marijke Perry)
- Werewolf/moon puzzle in The Origin of Madame Time (Mathbrush)
Best Individual NPC
- Arthur the cat in Charming (Kaylah Facey)
- The Bogeyman in Bogeyman (Elizabeth Smyth)
- Colin Ritman in Bandersnatch (Charlie Brooker, David Slade)
- Crystal in Illuminismo Iniziato (Michael J. Coyne)
- Lemmy in Terminal Interface for Models RCM301-303 (Victor Gijsbers (as VigiMech Corporation))
- Ruslan in I.A.G. Alpha (Serhii Mozhaiskyi)
Best Individual PC
- Author in Cannery Vale (Hanon Ondricek)
- Jacob Morris in Grimnoir (ProP)
- the Magpie in Alias 'The Magpie' (J. J. Guest)
- Nikolai in I.A.G. Alpha (Serhii Mozhaiskyi)
- silver agent in Six Silver Bullets (William Dooling)
Best Implementation
- Alias 'The Magpie' (J. J. Guest)
- Cragne Manor (Ryan Veeder, Jenni Polodna, et al.)
- Junior Arithmancer (Mike Spivey)
- The Master of the Land (Pseudavid)
Best Use of Innovation
- Cragne Manor (Ryan Veeder, Jenni Polodna, et al.)
- I.A.G. Alpha (Serhii Mozhaiskyi)
- Re: Dragon (Jack Welch)
- Restless (Emily Short)
Best Technological Development
- Dialog
- Fabularium
- Ozmoo
- Vorple 3
Best Use of Multimedia
- Bandersnatch (Charlie Brooker, David Slade)
- DEVOTIONALIA (G. Grimoire)
- Ürs (Christopher Hayes, Daniel Talsky)
- Soft Earth (Jon Sorce)
- StupidRPG (Steven Richards)
- Where the Water Tastes Like Wine (Dim Bulb Games)