Massive Auditorium
The auditorium, as always, is spacious but cozy, filled with velvet seats that are soft but supportive. Up front is a large stage which is wide but mostly illuminated by a single spotlight, and flanked on either side by pillars that are gold but somehow come in under budget. Up above is a banner reading "2009 XYZZY Awards" (which nevertheless take place in 2010), and waiters circulate with canapes but never get close enough to your seat to offer you any.
You can see: READ THIS PLEASE, xyzzy drinking game, a chalkboard listing the XYZZY Award winners
Visible Exits: west
inky has teleported you to Massive Auditorium.
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "...there"
[peanut-gallery] * DarkStar has joined the channel.
[peanut-gallery] * Felix has joined the channel.
[peanut-gallery] * Pacian has joined the channel.
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "I hardly remembe who I voted for. My best lead is that I remember which games I didn't play."
Lucea arrives from the west.
inky arrives from the west.
Touchy arrives from the west.
Lucea says, "Yay!"
yandexx arrives from the west.
Jaybird arrives from the west.
djfletch arrives from the west.
DarkStar arrives from the west.
maga arrives from the west.
Johnny arrives from the west.
Progue arrives from the west.
ardubs arrives from the west.
Felix arrives from the west.
DavidW arrives from the west.
scramble arrives from the west.
Progue blinks in perplexity.
yandexx finds a nice seat
inky says, "and I should fix xyzzy"
inky leaves the auditorium to the west.
DB arrives from the west.
Ellison arrives from the west.
zarf arrives from the west.
bigd arrives from the west.
Jaybird hollers, "Xyzzy awards about to happen!"
[peanut-gallery] * ardubs has joined the channel.
DB cheers.
yandexx says (to Progue), "Hello to you"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "k so"
[peanut-gallery] * bigd has joined the channel.
inky walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
Progue takes a seat muttering something about best laid plans and travel difficulties.
inky says, "now we're talkin'"
Gunther walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
[peanut-gallery] Pacian says, "Okay, I'm lost."
[peanut-gallery] inky says, "type xyzzy"
[peanut-gallery] * scramble has joined the channel.
Pacian walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
Johnny concentrates, and disappears.
Johnny walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
[peanut-gallery] inky says, "now that I finally have it working properly"
jmac arrives from the west.
BoingBall walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
[peanut-gallery] ardubs says, "greetings from the public wifi at the las vegas airport"
DavidW asks (of Pacian), "How'd you get to the HQ? I didn't think that room was public?"
Pacian says, "I typed xyzzy."
Progue starts to surreptitiously and frantically whittle something.
Pacian says, "Inky made me do it."
DavidW asks, "In what location?"
inky says, "round room"
DavidW says, "ah"
inky says, "but conceivably I broke the exits trying to point xyzzy properly"
Pacian says, "I got there by typing xyzzy too."
bigd says, "xyzzy got me to the long hall"
aparrish walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice it approaching it from the other side.
Jaybird says (to bigd), "That was probably before Inky redirefted it."
DavidW says, "The Round Room probably has a specific xyzzy, while the general xyzzy goes either to here or Long Room."
inky says, "yeah"
Gunther says, "man, worst awards ever"
BoingBall says, "we'll never live this scandal down"
bigd asks, "huh?"
inky says, "I demand a better class of scandal involving me"
Lucea says, "we might as well just end it now."
[peanut-gallery] * aparrish has joined the channel.
inky hollers, "ceremony about to start! type 'xyzzy'!"
bigd is confused
djfletch flexes his clapping muscles
inky walks up on stage and fusses behind the podium.
Benjor walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
Benjor is glad someone told him where to go; the xyzzy site is down.
ardubs says (to benjor), "heya"
inky says, "er"
inky adjusts the microphone.
Ellison cheers
maga says, "woo"
DB says (to benjor), "Good to see you here."
inky says, "Hi everyone! Welcome to the 2009 XYZZY Awards!"
Ellison says, "woo!"
maga claps
yandexx exclaims, "yay!"
Pacian applauds.
DB celebrates this opening.
bigd cheers!
Lucea applauds
Benjor hides meekly in a corner
BoingBall applauds.
Felix clapclaps.
Progue claps while peering sharply around for an exit
scramble applauds
DarkStar claps
[peanut-gallery] ardubs says, "applauds"
Grocible walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
Johnny woos
[peanut-gallery] ardubs says, "oops"
[peanut-gallery] ardubs says, "syntax error"
Grocible says, "Hello everybody"
inky says (to Progue), "you'll notice there are four exits from the auditorium; in case of an emergency, blinking lights will illumine the paths"
Grocible says, "Seems a rather modest turnout"
inky says (to Progue), "please wear your own mask before assisting others"
bigd laughs.
yandexx smiles
Ellison says (to Grocible), "what? we are the best turnout ever!"
Grocible dons a plague doctor mask.
Progue me nods in a friendly fashion towards inky while backing slowly away.
Benjor searches for a flotation device
bigd grins.
djfletch blows his whistle to attract attention
inky says, "anyway, I apologize for the various administrative confusions around this year's XYZZYs; it's been a slightly rough handoff from eileen, but I'm planning on next year being rather more organized"
[peanut-gallery] * Progue has joined the channel.
bigd asks, "so wait, is next year gonna be 2011 or 2010?"
inky says, "next year will be 2011, and then 2012, and then the world will end"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "2012 we're all dead"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "gasp"
NamelessAdventurer emerges from backstage and prods inky in the ribs.
Guest1 walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice it approaching it from the other side.
DavidW says (to DB), "oh good. Someone looked."
[peanut-gallery] scramble says, "oh noes"
inky says, "er, right, sorry"
DB chuckles.
yandexx says, "IPv4 pool will get depleted, etc."
DB says (to davidw), "Indeed."
Guest1 says, "@joinc #peanut-gallery"
[peanut-gallery] bigd says, "test"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "argh not used to mud"
inky says, "anyway, let's see"
DB says (to davidw), "Nice tea service."
NamelessAdventurer impatiently holds up a sign reading "BEST USE OF MEDIUM"
DavidW says (to Guest1), "Guest accounts can't join channels. Sorry."
inky says, "oh right!"
DavidW says (to DB), "thanks!"
DB smiles.
DB says (to davidw), "Most welcome."
K-Y walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
DavidW asks (of Nameless), "You *still* don't have a name?"
bigd exclaims, "fail!"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says (to Guest1), "Hahaha"
NamelessAdventurer holds up another sign saying "Due to a union dispute, I will not be speaking during the show"
ardubs adjusts his tuxedo
inky says, "The Best Use of Medium award is given to the game which either demonstrates the best parser and default messages, or else has the best unusual use of IF as a medium, or else has something which is neither large nor small"
boucher arrives from the west.
inky says, "there are four finalists this year:"
inky says, "Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed"
DavidW holds up a sign saying "Could you please sign in a larger font? Some of us wear glasses, y'know."
[peanut-gallery] djfletch says, "the world ends in 2012 when we work out what this award is for"
yandexx cheers
yandexx exclaims, "Big up for Lacuna!"
inky says, "Alabaster, by (and I am only going to read this once) John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton, and Ziv Wities"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "heh"
maga says, "hooray"
Guest1 says, "clap"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "Alabaster, by those people"
Ellison says, "yay"
Pacian claps.
inky says, "Rover's Day Out, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman"
[peanut-gallery] ardubs says, ""The Collective""
Ellison claps
Benjor adjusts tuxedo nervously
DavidW cheers for all the finalists.
DB claps for all of the nominees.
yandexx claps
djfletch claps
inky says, "and The Shadow in the Cathedral, by Ian Finley and Jon Ingold"
Felix applauds politely.
Ellison claps
ardubs applauds
scramble claps
DavidW claps for Ingold appearance.
Limax walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
inky says, "this was a particularly good year for this award, since most of the nominees fulfilled all the various definitions of the award -- being both detailed and comprehensive and pushing the limits of IF as a medium"
Lucea applauds for everyone
Ellison claps
Limax says, "Huh. 'xyzzy' took me here... not the corridor"
inky asks (of NamelessAdventurer), "anyway, the envelope?"
DavidW says, "Someone might want to tell Jon how to get here."
NamelessAdventurer hands it over.
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "next year, we'll have to add even more definitions to the award then"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "Whoops"
inky looks inside.
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "I already broke the rules"
inky pulls out a card.
Pacian quickly predicts the winner.
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "yeah, they change 'xyzzy' just for today"
[peanut-gallery] Limax asks, "Who knew?"
inky says (to NamelessAdventurer), "wait, this just a blank turquoise card"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "HEe hee"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "inky knows!"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "everyone!"
inky says, "...oh, I see"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "Joke!"
inky says, "congratulations to Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed!"
Lucea applauds
Benjor applauds!
bigd cheers!
DB celebrates this decision with applause.
maga exclaims, "yay!"
DarkStar claps.
K-Y claps
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "Bah. I don't usually come"
Johnny claps
Grocible says, "Hooray"
Ellison cheers
yandexx says, "yay!!!""
Progue looks confused as spotlights are swivelled towards him.
DavidW claps
Grocible says, "if inky's our Eileen replacement, I notice the pronounced absence of little black dresses"
Felix claps.
aparrish cheers loudly
ardubs applauds
Limax golf claps
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says (to Limax), "TMI"
djfletch exclaims, "woo lacuna!"
scramble exclaims, "Hooray!"
yandexx pats Progue on the back
yandexx exclaims, "Great job!"
Progue asks, "Uh thank you, thank you. I must say I do enjoy a good medium myself: tickle the brainwaves, don't they?"
inky says (to Grocible), "I thought I'd dress differently for the ceremony than I usually do"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says (to Johnny), "Yeah... a guy with the name of 'Johnny' woudl think that"
Grocible says, "inky: tsk. Tradition!"
Gunther congrats.
jmac yays
Benjor waits for inky to now sing a musical number...
Progue But then again always creeping and peeping throughout your thought bubbles. Very rude.
Progue sits down, even more confused than before.
Ellison laughs and claps
[peanut-gallery] Limax says (to Grocible), "inky looks as distracted as ever"
DB claps more.
DavidW claps again
inky says, "man, I might actually have to sing something"
yandexx applauds
Grocible says, "You could yodel"
Progue is surreptitiously whittling something.
[peanut-gallery] maga says, "a lacunic acceptance speech if ever there was one"
inky says, "Beeeeeeest Indiviuuuuaaaal PC! As PC as the wind blows! As PC as the grass grows!"
Ellison laughs
inky says, "yeah, ok, maybe not"
DB chuckles.
[peanut-gallery] scramble grins
Limax says, "Heh"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "I voted for Silhouette."
jingold arrives from the west.
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "I totally forgot my vote"
DB applauds at jingold's entrance.
[peanut-gallery] * jingold has joined the channel.
yandexx waves at Jon
inky says, "The PC in an IF game is in some ways the most important character, because they act as the liason between the player and the game"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "I thought that was the keyboard"
inky says, "the nominees this year provide some interesting commentary on how that interaction goes and what the playing experience signifies"
inky says, "but, naturally, saying more would be a spoiler"
Guest2 walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice it approaching it from the other side.
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "heh"
[peanut-gallery] jingold asks, "What did I miss?"
DB says, "Hee hee."
inky says, "our nominees this year are The detective in Make It Good, by Jon Ingold"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "Blue Lacuna = Best Use of Medium"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says (to jingold), "Best Medium"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "Best Use of Medium went to Blue Lacuna."
inky says, "Lottie Plum in Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati"
Ellison claps and claps and claps
yandexx says, "yay for Detective!""
[peanut-gallery] jingold says, "cool. good choice"
Johnny claps
maga says, "woo"
inky says, "and Silhouette in Walker & Silhouette, by CEJ Pacian"
Johnny says, "yay"
yandexx exclaims, "cheers to Ivy!"
Ellison cheers
[peanut-gallery] bigd asks, "detective? You can't seriously mean detective is in the awards?"
DB claps vigorously for every well-crafted PC.
Progue applauds, always enjoying a good round of applause.
Lucea applauds for everyone
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "The detective"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "The detective of Make It Good."
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "guess my vote went for Ivy"
NamelessAdventurer goes backstage, returns with a basket, and hands it to inky.
DavidW claps for all finalists.
inky says, "a basket, hunh"
inky reaches inside and pulls out a bunch of bananas.
inky says, "hrm, I don't think this is right"
inky pulls out a quantity of grapefruit.
inky says, "no, no, I don't think so"
bigd laughs.
Ellison laughs
DavidW says, "(best use of mango)"
DB laughs.
Benjor concentrates, and disappears.
Benjor walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
Progue nods in sympathy.
inky says, "the award for Best Individual PC this year goes to .. Lottie Plum, in Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "Ah yes... award show schtick"
DB promptly applauds.
Benjor applauds wildly!
bigd cheers!
Progue claps.
DarkStar claps.
Limax claps
maga throws roses at the stage
Ellison claps
Johnny says (to Lucea), "Declaim! Declaim!"
yandexx claps
Felix claps.
DavidW applauds
djfletch says, "hurrah"
jingold applauds
Pacian applauds.
Gunther applauds.
aparrish woo!
scramble exclaims, "Yay!"
Lottie saunters through the door on her cell phone. "Sorry. I mean, it isn't like you seriously want me to show up on time?"
K-Y claps
DavidW blinks.
Johnny says, "Er, I mean, yay Sarah!"
yandexx smiles
inky asks (of Lottie), "we have the microphone here, if you'd care to favor us with a few thoughts ..?"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "I totally have been misusing that word for years."
Lottie says, "Sure."
Lottie says, "I'd just like to thank all my fans and all my supporters and all the people who helped me get there even though they didn't like mean it or anything.""
Limax says, "Hee hee"
inky updates the BEST USE OF MEDIUM entry on the chalkboard.
inky updates the BEST USE OF MEDIUM entry on the chalkboard.
Johnny says, "haha"
DB laughs.
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "I suppose at some point I should play all these games that win awards"
[peanut-gallery] Limax asks, "But why should I break a perfect record?"
inky says, "and it's that inimitable charm that won her the award, folks"
Ellison cheers
aparrish laughs
Lottie asks, "I know, right?"
inky updates the BEST INDIVIDUAL PC entry on the chalkboard.
DB nods.
yandexx claps
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "Best use of Medium: Ouija"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "Hee hee"
DavidW says, "yay Lottie"
[peanut-gallery] Limax asks, "What about the voodoo lady?"
djfletch exclaims, "song!"
Lottie surreptiously edges over downstage in front of the presenters
Benjor exclaims, "SONG!"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "yeah, so far, this awards ceremony is reminding me of all of the games I meant to get back to... which is why I didn't vote, unfortunately"
Lottie says, "A song? Excuse me? I'm still on vocal rest here. In fact, I shouldn't even be here right now with you people because I have like fifteen other auditions to crash"
DB seconds these demands.
[peanut-gallery] zarf says, "Lottie/Grunk duet!"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "ha ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "heehee"
inky says, "the musical and swimsuit portions of the competition will have to wait til everyone has had a few drinks in the carousel bar after the show"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] maga says, "oh good lord"
DB shrugs in agreement with this logic.
Limax says, "Heh"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "I even bought "Shadow..." to make a proper vote"
[peanut-gallery] scramble says (to Ellison), "me too"
[peanut-gallery] jingold exclaims, "good!"
Lucea says, "Apologies. I had told her beforehand not to speak under any circumstances"
Benjor sighs
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "ha ha"
inky asks (of Lucea), "would you care to say anything yourself about the game?"
Limax says (to Lucea), "Maybe she should just sing then"
Lucea says, "She mentioned something about Kanye West. Anyway."
[peanut-gallery] inky says, "ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther asks, "gay fish again?"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "if only that basket had some fish sticks in it"
Lucea says, "On a serious note, thanks to everyone who played and voted, and special thanks to all my testers"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny | Establishing shot. Modest one floor ranch home.
[peanut-gallery] Johnny | Interior modern kitchen. Harried mother. Picky son.
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "I'ma let you finish, but Silhouette is the best PC of all time... :P"
DavidW claps
[peanut-gallery] Johnny | "Ah, mom. Gay fish, again?
Lucea says, "Namely, thanks to Rob Adair, Sam Ashwell, Peter Berman, Richard Bos, Justin Butterfield, Benji Dahood, Davros, Jeremy Freese, Simon Friedberger, Marius M?ller, Alexandre Owen Muniz, John Murphy, Johan O, Wesley Osam, Robb Sherwin and Ramona White."
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "ha ha"
Benjor whistles
inky applauds, especially for testers.
Lucea says, "Without you, none of this would exist."
Limax claps
Ellison cheers
DB nods and applauds thoroughly.
DavidW says, "yay Lucea and testers"
DarkStar cheers.
Progue applauds
yandexx applauds
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "I really should get back into betatesting"
Pacian claps.
Felix applauds, yay for testers.
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "I loved breaking things"
[peanut-gallery] maga says (to Limax), "don't forget complaining"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "I don't think I was ever a good betatester, but I like being listed in things!"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says (to maga), "Yeah, it wouldn't be the same without that"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "and pedantry!"
NamelessAdventurer comes up to the podium, and holds up a sign reading "BEST INDIVIDUAL NPC"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "'What do you mean that there's a green pillow on the orange couch??? It clashes and throws of the feng shui!'"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "off, dammit"
NamelessAdventurer drops that sign, and raises a new one reading "WHICH I WILL BE PRESENTING"
NamelessAdventurer drops that sign, and raises a new one reading "BECAUSE I AM AN NPC"
NamelessAdventurer drops that sign, and raises a new one reading "(UNION RULES)"
jingold goes home.
[peanut-gallery] scramble says, ""and don't forget to update your ifwiki entry"
Progue enjoys reading.
Ellison says, "woo Nameless"
[peanut-gallery] Pacian asks, "I never got this. Surely the Nameless Adventurer is actually a PC, and not an NPC?"
DB claps.
jingold arrives from the west.
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "Ennh. My ifwiki entry is just fine, thank you"
NamelessAdventurer holds up a new sign reading "Lottie's mom in Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "I think he's been both, actually."
NamelessAdventurer holds up an additional sign reading "(non-player cellphone)"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "well, he's an NPC in Enchanter"
[peanut-gallery] zarf says, "an NPC in Enchanter."
yandexx smiles
Touchy looks around.
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "yeah, that's the most obvious example"
maga claps
[peanut-gallery] K-Y says, "Perhaps Yournamehere renamed himself so he could be a strike buster for the union"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea asks, "Sherbet too?"
[peanut-gallery] Limax asks, "So, there's two NPC awards?"
NamelessAdventurer switches to a new sign reading "Progue in Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed"
DB goes 'woo!'
inky applauds
Progue looks alarmed.
yandexx exclaims, "yay!"
maga says, "yay"
Ellison cheers
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "this will be so much easier when we have ePaper signs"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "Best Ensemble, Best Individual"
[peanut-gallery] scramble says (to Limax), "I meant the tester credits, of course"
scramble claps
NamelessAdventurer examines his next sign, snaps his fingers, and six assistants come out to help hold the signs reading "Snow White in Alabaster, by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton, and Ziv Wities"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "best NPC Dance Number"
yandexx whistles for Snow
[peanut-gallery] Pacian says, "Running gag detected."
DB breaks into enthusiastic applause.
DarkStar cheers.
Lucea applauds for everyone
maga says, "yay command-V"
Ellison claps
Pacian cheers for all.
djfletch claps
[peanut-gallery] Limax says (to scramble), "I haven't tested any in years"
inky hands NamelessAdventurer the envelope.
inky asks (of NamelessAdventurer), "but how are you going to read the winner without talking, smart guy?"
NamelessAdventurer holds up a sign saying "I PEEKED IN THE ENVELOPE BEFOREHAND"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "-KE"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "scandalous"
NamelessAdventurer holds up a new sign saying "AND THE WINNER FOR BEST INDIVIDUAL NPC IS .. Snow White in Alabaster (by the aforementioned folks)"
Johnny says, "yayay"
yandexx exclaims, "yay! congrats!"
Ellison laughs and yays
Progue applauds wildly in abject relief
maga claps furiously
DB erupts with ardent good cheer.
DarkStar exclaims, "woot!"
[peanut-gallery] jingold says, "i'm suspicious, to be honest..."
Lucea claps
Gunther applauds multifold.
[peanut-gallery] scramble says (to Limax), "the first comment wasn't actually directed at you alone, just thought I'd explain the joke"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "geez, I hope the stage has been properly reinforced"
DavidW cheers
aparrish exclaims, "awesome!"
Felix clapclaps politely.
jingold applauds!
BoingBall applauds
[peanut-gallery] scramble says (to Limax), "always a bad idea :)"
Ellison claps
[peanut-gallery] djfletch asks, "anyone got a hacksaw for this award?"
scramble applauds
Benjor claps
inky asks, "so I admit I haven't actually played this one -- is there someone here who can explain which author maps to which of the seven dwarves?"
yandexx smiles
Gunther says, "they all map to grumpy"
DavidW says, "all these awful jokes. Have a hart, guys."
inky says, "ha ha"
K-Y claps
Lucea says, "Or a heart. There's both!"
DB laughs.
Johnny says, "ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "I claim not Dopey"
[peanut-gallery] djfletch says, "don't be so Bashful"
[peanut-gallery] Limax asks, "What is Snow White in Alabaster from?"
inky says, "The Best Individual Puzzle award this year is a little interesting, since all three of the finalist puzzles involve what you might call interacting with the game on two levels at once"
DB nods.
inky says, "but, as is so often the case, they all have totally different takes on what these levels mean and how they're integrated into the game"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "huh, that IS interesting"
inky says, "and those finalists are ..."
inky says, "Defeating the Eagle Beast in The Ascot, by Duncan Bowsman"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "guess neither Ben nor Jack are here"
DavidW claps!
inky says, "Finding out how the goggles work in Byzantine Perspective, by Lea"
Benjor claps!
ardubs goes home.
Ellison applauds... on two levels
maga claps
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says (to Limax), "The character Snow White in the game Alabaster"
DavidW cheers
inky says (to Ellison), "hey, get off the balcony, buddy"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "If I understood your question correctly."
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "Havne't heard of it"
inky says, "and Working out the controls in Rover's Day Out, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "You did"
Pacian applauds on a different level for each game.
DB applauds enthusiastically for all in this category!
DarkStar claps.
yandexx says, "yay for Rover"
DavidW applauds!
[peanut-gallery] maga says, "a collaborative project organised by Emily 'Doc' Short"
Ellison cheers
Lucea applauds for everyone
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "LEVEL 6"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "GO"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx asks, ""Doc?"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says (to maga), "Ah"
Johnny applaud in compensation
Johnny says, "for lateness""
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says (to yandexx), "one of the Seven Dwarves"
scramble cheers
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "it's like E. E. "Doc" Smith"
DB fidgets.
inky asks (of NamelessAdventurer), "and the envelope?"
jingold roots for RDO, even though he did really like BP as well
NamelessAdventurer points to a nearby table with the envelope sitting on it.
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "Guess it's some american reference, ok :P"
inky tries to pick up the envelope, but his hand passes right through.
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says (to yandexx), "yeah, to the Disney film"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "The dwarves were named in the Disney cartoon version."
ardubs walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
inky says, "ah, I see"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "I see."
inky says, "and the winner is .. Finding out how the goggles work in Byzantine Perspective!"
DavidW says, "heh heh"
maga says, "woohoo"
yandexx claps
Ellison cheers
DavidW says, "hooray"
Progue applauds!
DB applauds ardently for this decision.
Johnny clap
DarkStar claps.
aparrish claps wildly!
djfletch applauds
Felix clappaluds.
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "Grumpy, Spanky, Cokey, Dopey, Doc, Frank and Scary Spice"
Benjor applauds!
scramble applauds
ardubs applauds wildly, dropping his goggles
jingold really liked BP!
Lucea applauds!
Gunther clappity clap.
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "...and I totally didn't understand how Byzantine Perpsective worked anyway"
Limax claps
NamelessAdventurer holds up a sign reading "HE'S LUCKY I DIDN'T MAKE HIM USE THE PARSER TO TAKE IT"
Benjor wonders if Lea is here...
inky asks, "yeah, is Lea here, by chance?"
ardubs is pretty sure she's watching from an adjacent room
Gunther says, "I'm Lea, and so's my wife"
[peanut-gallery] aparrish says, "I loved that puzzle"
[peanut-gallery] aparrish says, "very satisfying to figure out"
DavidW says (to inky), "I don't think she's here, no."
inky says, "ah well"
DB DB munches on an eclair he brought along as a consolation prize.
inky says, "I'll just leave her trophy in the museum and let her pick it up herself"
DavidW says, "I'm sure that'll be fine."
aparrish chuckles.
NamelessAdventurer holds up a sign reading BEST NPCS
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "my vote here went to the lovely insects :)"
NamelessAdventurer holds up another sign reading "POWER TO THE NPEOPLE"
Ellison says, "yay!"
yandexx cheers
DB claps.
NamelessAdventurer switches to a new sign reading "Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed"
DavidW claps!
maga claps
yandexx claps
Ellison cheers
NamelessAdventurer switches to a new sign reading "Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati"
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "it's the same for NPCs as it is for the military: don't ASK, don't TELL"
DavidW says, "yay Legs"
NamelessAdventurer switches to a new sign reading "Dead Like Ants, by C.E.J. Pacian"
Ellison applauds
DavidW says, "yay 6-legs"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says (to Gunther), "ha ha, aw"
yandexx says, "yay!""
NamelessAdventurer switches to a new sign reading "and Make It Good, by Jon Ingold"
Lucea applauds
DarkStar claps.
Ellison cheers
DavidW says, "yay good 'eggs"
maga says, "woo"
djfletch claps
yandexx says, "oh those murderers"
inky hands NamelessAdventurer a box.
NamelessAdventurer looks quizzically at the box, and starts to open it.
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says (to DavidW), "well played"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "heh. thanks."
inky pulls a cord, and a curtain drops in front of NamelessAdventurer, on which is written "Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati"
scramble applauds
Gunther says, "woo"
DB assumes exuberant applause.
Ellison cheers
NamelessAdventurer BONK POW WHAM BONK
DarkStar claps.
Johnny says, "yay"
Progue applauds
Pacian claps it up big-time.
DavidW says, "yay NLotties"
maga claps
Felix clapclipclop.
[peanut-gallery] djfletch says, "now we get the song and dance routine for sure"
yandexx applauds
Lottie asks, "oh, I won again?"
ardubs applauds with vim
Lucea whispers to Lottie, "No. You didn't win. This is best NPCs. You aren't a NPC."
inky says (to Lottie), "no spoilers!"
maga exclaims, "Not you! *Other people*!"
Limax applauds with emacs
DavidW says, "oh dear. This could get ugly."
scramble exclaims, "Wooo!"
ardubs high-fives Limax
DB chuckles.
Limax reels after getting smacked in the face
Benjor cheers!
DarkStar laughs.
Lottie says, rather loudly, "Oh, you mean the people who don't matter! Gotcha."
Lucea says, "Ahem."
Lucea says, "Thank you, everyone! I'll be sure to let them know how much they matter."
inky says, "yay"
aparrish laughs.
yandexx laughs
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "ok, I'm getting sick of sitting in this cafe. so I shall be back as soon as possible."
Ellison cheers
Ellison leaves the auditorium to the west.
[peanut-gallery] Lucea is hoping she doesn't forget to set her name
scramble laughs
Progue does not understand why there are so many awards for Niggling Paralysis Crackers.
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "also, #band-name"
inky says (to Progue), "paralysis crackers can really get a hold on a person"
inky says, "anyway, Best Puzzles!"
Guest4 walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice it approaching it from the other side.
DavidW says, "woot puzzles!"
DavidW says, "Puzzle puzzle puzzle!"
yandexx says (to Progue), "guess your recent Word Day wasn't that long ago"
DB claps for puzzles.
inky says, "unlike what I've been commenting on in the other category, we've got a pretty wide variety of finalists here"
Guest4 says, "@s me"
inky says, "some very traditional puzzles, some outside-the-box puzzles, some NPC interaction, some object-based, some wordplay-based, and some metagame-puzzles"
bigd says (to guest4), "fail"
Grocible says, "Except HamsterWorld, as usual, is ignored"
Grocible says, "I'm pretty insulted"
inky says (to Grocible), "the organizers are still considering your proposal for Best Use of Hamster"
inky says, "anyway, the finalists!"
inky says, "Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati"
inky says, "The Duel That Spanned the Ages, by Oliver Ullmann"
inky says, "Earl Grey, by Rob Dubbin and Adam Parrish"
inky says, "Make It Good, by Jon Ingold"
inky says, "and Rover's Day Out, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman"
yandexx cheers for everyone
Johnny claps .
DB slaps his palms together in celebration of all the aforementioned.
Benjor claps
Pacian puts his hands together.
DarkStar cheers for everyone.
Pacian pulls his hands apart and claps.
ardubs claps!
DavidW says, "hmmmm"
yandexx cheers especially for Jack and Ben
scramble cheers
inky updates the BEST INDIVIDUAL NPC entry on the chalkboard.
DB repeats his previous action several times.
Lucea applauds!
Grocible says, "Hooray"
inky updates the BEST INDIVIDUAL PUZZLE entry on the chalkboard.
inky updates the BEST NPCs entry on the chalkboard.
DavidW asks, "so, lessee, we could try to split the legs with duel spanner, then remove the O from Make It Good ... does that work?"
Lucea asks, "Make it God?"
DavidW says, "er splint! splint the legs"
Guest5 walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice it approaching it from the other side.
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "I've just been invited to hang out at the ice skating rink with my wife while the kids skate"
[peanut-gallery] Limax says, "Sounds like a plan to me"
Limax walks slowly out of the room and into the sunset.
Guest5 says, "eval"
inky regards the envelope, which is inside a large box hung from the ceiling covered in spikes and surrounded by angry leopards.
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "Hmm."
inky says, "hmm"
bigd exclaims, "angry leopards? oh no!"
scramble says, "Whoa"
DB worries.
Felix says (to Guest5), "Surprise, this is not a MOO."
DavidW says, "Use the book with the shiny cover! It'll reflect the laser beam!"
Benjor says, "tis a puzzlement"
Guest4 exclaims, "lions and tigers and bears, oh my!"
ardubs takes a photo of the leopards
NamelessAdventurer casually walks over and pulls the envelope out and hands it to inky.
yandexx cues lock & key
NamelessAdventurer holds up a sign reading "PUZZLES ONLY APPLY TO PCS"
bigd chooses pikachu!
Guest5 says, "-Felix yeah, I kinda figured that out."
inky says, "right, well then"
DB chuckles.
DavidW says (to NamelessAdventurer), "that's gonna change."
inky opens the envelope. "And our winner for Best Puzzles is ..."
jingold disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again.
inky says, "Earl Grey, by Rob Dubbin and Adam Parrish!"
jingold arrives from the west.
Lucea applauds
Benjor claps!!
DavidW says, "goodness"
Guest5 says, "cheer"
Gunther says, "woop"
Felix applauds.
aparrish emote yells "woo!"
DB claps passionately.
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "yay my vote"
DarkStar claps.
scramble applauds
djfletch says, "laps"
aparrish says, "that's how excited I am"
yandexx grabs the "e"
aparrish high-fives ardubs
Progue applauds wildly
ardubs returns the five, highly
ardubs exclaims, "thanks everyone!"
ardubs says, "steep angry"
ardubs pets the rangy leopard
aparrish exclaims, "yes, thank you!"
Lucea removes the G
ardubs says, "knock spikes"
bigd exclaims, "pikachu, thunder shock now!"
ardubs regards the box, covered in spies
DB laughs.
DavidW says, ">knock spies. yay pies!"
aparrish exclaims, "delicious!"
yandexx laughs
ardubs laughs as he distributes celebratory pies
DB doubles over in laughter.
yandexx says, "ooh sweet"
DarkStar says, "hmm, pies."
DB exclaims, "Yum!"
inky says, "unless it's a meat pie"
Guest4 exclaims, "I want pie!"
scramble laughs
Progue knock meat. I've never met a pie I didn't like.
Guest5 says, "it's a curry pie"
bigd asks, "wait... you met it?"
yandexx whispers, "This pie is a spy!"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "Now what to do with the 'k'... looks towards inky"
bigd exclaims, "living pies? aaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
[peanut-gallery] aparrish says, "hahaha"
Guest5 says, "sushi flavored pie is the best"
[peanut-gallery] inky says, "sticking a k anywhere is pretty kinky alrighty"
[peanut-gallery] ardubs says, "hah - and in the auditorium, no less"
scramble exclaims, "Yay for sushi pie!"
Guest5 says, "@read please"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "whoops I thought it was a nominee only, heh"
inky says, "anyway, Best Setting!"
yandexx applauds for Earl Gry
Gunther says, "Dorian, Earl Grey"
Lucea says (to yandexx), "noooooooo"
inky says, "Best Setting is a somewhat nebulous award -- it covers some aspect of Best Story, some of Best Writing, and some of Best Use of Medium"
yandexx says, "whoops""
Ellison walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
inky says, "in some ways it's what's left over when you take away the gameplay and the plot from the game"
inky says, "or you could say that it's what supports those two and enables them to be shown off to best advantage"
[peanut-gallery] zarf says, "you know, in normal literature study 'setting' isn't that nebulous. I thought."
[peanut-gallery] jingold says, "I've always thought of setting as the most important part of an IF"
inky says, "the four finalists for Best Setting this year are:"
inky says, "Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed"
[peanut-gallery] aparrish asks, "isn't that how they describe "setting" in literary terms? "what's left over when you take away the gameplay and plot"?"
DavidW claps
inky says, "The Duel in the Snow, by Utkonos"
inky says, "The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher"
yandexx exclaims, "big up for Mother Russia!"
yandexx smiles
DarkStar claps.
Felix clapclaps wildly.
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "ha ha"
inky says, "(I assume that was Lottie logging in as a Guest)"
Johnny says, "ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "actually, no"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "wow trolls in the MUD"
DavidW says, "heh"
[peanut-gallery] BoingBall says, "ha ha, man"
inky says, "...and The Shadow in the Cathedral, by Ian Finley and Jon Ingold"
Lucea applauds for everyone!
Johnny claps.
djfletch applauds settings
yandexx applauds
Guest4 says, "clap"
DB glares at the recent show of rudeness and ignorance.
DB claps for finalists.
maga claps
DarkStar claps.
aparrish claps
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says (to Lucea), "Right. Lottie would never use that kind of language!"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "personally, I don't know if I would play The Fucking Sun"
bigd laughs.
[peanut-gallery] inky says, "I believe it's by Hemmingway"
Ellison claps
scramble claps
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "hee"
[peanut-gallery] inky says, "er, -m"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "hehe"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "who knocked an m into that"
inky says, "tsk"
BoingBall says (to Lucea), "hee hee"
DarkStar laughs.
DavidW asks, "So where were we? Setting?"
DB gives a long nod.
Lucea says, "Best Setting."
inky says, "just so"
inky opens the envelope.
scramble rolls his eyes
yandexx drinks some tea and eats a piece of some non-imaginary pie
inky says, "hunh, that's unusual"
[peanut-gallery] scramble mumbles "should've brought the sentry gun..."
inky pulls out *two* slips of paper.
DavidW asks, "what?!?"
yandexx exclaims, "oooh!"
DB asks, "A tie?"
maga says, "whoa"
Pacian calls shenanigans.
Lucea says, "Whoa."
inky says, "the winner*s* this year for Best Setting are:"
scramble gasps
DarkStar says, "drum roll"
inky says, "Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed"
inky says, "and The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher"
Gunther says, "zut alors"
yandexx exclaims, "yay!"
Lucea applauds
DB cheers heartily!
DarkStar exclaims, "woot!"
Felix cheers!
Johnny yays.
BoingBall cheers
bigd clapclaps!
ardubs applauds!
maga says, "woo"
scramble exclaims, "Wooo!"
DavidW says, "twin woots!"
aparrish exclaims, "woo woo!"
yandexx exclaims, "big up to both Aaron and Jim!"
Gunther stereo applauds
Ellison cheers
yandexx says, "great stuff"
Progue exclaims, "Graciousness, this is bats at noon!"
djfletch claps with both hands
DavidW says, "excellents"
Pacian applauds with one hand for each game.
Progue says, "I mean, it's a nice enough island, gushing beautiful and all that, but for I life and strife I hope I never see it again. Too many trees if you ring."
Progue asks, "I don't know anything about this other place but I'm sure it's far more pleasant, yes yes?"
Progue says, "I rather like kings."
inky says, "I guess shreds and patches is what your clothes are like after life on an island anyway"
Ellison laughs
jmac grins
inky says, "(also, I guess both winners are about weird things from beyond the stars getting into your brain)"
DB chuckles.
Progue laughs, then cries.
Ellison laughs
yandexx applauds to the winners again
Guest4 says, "@joinch peanut"
inky says, "the, uh, antepenultimate award, Best Story is next"
Guest4 asks, "what am I doing wrong?"
maga claps
Gunther says (to Guest4), "guests can't use channels"
Guest4 says, "oh"
bigd Cries!
DB says, "Ooo, Story."
[peanut-gallery] BrenBarn says, "what's up with all the guests"
inky says, "Story is in some sense an easy thing to do, since it's an established field of study in other kinds of fiction"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says (to BrenBarn), "They're CREEPY"
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "something's bork"
inky says, "but getting a story that works for IF and isn't just a railroad is another matter entirely"
[peanut-gallery] BrenBarn asks, "eh?"
inky says, "the nominees this year for Best Story are:"
Guest4 goes home.
inky says, "Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed"
yandexx cheers
maga claps
DavidW claps.
[peanut-gallery] BrenBarn says, "heh"
[peanut-gallery] ghira says, "it's opposite saturday, you see"
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "awww"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "This isn't a fucking MOO!"
Roger arrives from the west.
[peanut-gallery] ardubs says, "is it too late to get guest4 into contention for best story"
inky says, "man, this is like a flashback to the 80s"
[peanut-gallery] (from ghira) guest94 says, "we prefer n'ee
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "..."
[peanut-gallery] Ellison says, "nah, just one guy, I think"
[peanut-gallery] (from ghira) guest94 says, "we prefer ne'erdowells"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "is there a way to temporarily disable guests"
[peanut-gallery] djfletch asks, "with a baseball bat?"
Guest5 asks, "what happened in the 80s?"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "Odd that that's what sets me off."
DB looks disgusted.
[peanut-gallery] BrenBarn says, "I think there's a wizard way"
inky says, "anyway! Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed"
yandexx says, "yay!""
inky says, "The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher"
Ellison cheers
inky says, "Make It Good, by Jon Ingold"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "man, porn these days"
ardubs applauds
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "it's getting awards for the story"
DarkStar claps.
DavidW says (to Guest5), "That's more or less when IF started."
inky says, "and The Shadow in the Cathedral, by Ian Finley and Jon Ingold"
Ellison claps
scramble cheers
Lucea applauds!
mike walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice it approaching it from the other side.
[peanut-gallery] ardubs says, "some pretty niche viral marketing for his porn site"
DB approves by applause all of the finalists.
yandexx exclaims, "go Shadow!"
[peanut-gallery] * mike has joined the channel.
DarkStar cheers.
BrenBarn walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
NamelessAdventurer provides the envelope.
inky opens it and looks inside, only to have the card flutter away from him.
[peanut-gallery] mike says, "hi"
inky asks, " static fiction, eh?"
[peanut-gallery] Lucea groans
[peanut-gallery] bigd says, "coi .maik."
inky snatches it out of the air. "And the winner is ..."
DB laughs.
inky says, "Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed!"
yandexx applauds
Lucea applauds
maga says, "woo"
BoingBall exclaims, "woo!"
jingold applauds
Benjor cheers!
Ellison yays
Gunther says, "applauz"
DarkStar says, "claps."
BrenBarn says, "huzzah"
Johnny hoots.
mike claps
djfletch cheers
Felix claps politely.
Pacian applauds.
Johnny hollers.
DB applauds most heartily.
DavidW claps.
yandexx whistles a cheery melody
aparrish applauds.
Progue stands up angrily.
Progue says, "Look, people, this is ridiculous. Story? Soar off. Not much story asking myways."
Ellison laughs
ardubs laughs
DB chuckles.
Progue says, "Twenty years where nothing much spans. Then from nothingwhere some mad stranger appears, runs around opening doors, flipping switches, gets me all upended then takes off again! Moisty hells."
Progue says, "Story, my shins. Hrmph. Thanks and thanks anyways I expect."
Progue sits down grumpily.
yandexx smiles
DavidW says, "heh"
DB applauds again.
[peanut-gallery] maga says, "yeah, that's symptom #1 in How To Tell If You're An NPC"
yandexx joins the applauds
Gunther throws pie.
Ellison cheers
yandexx catches pie, "whoa you gotta be careful there"
inky says, "and now onto Best Writing"
Gunther says, "oy, that's Progue's, not yours"
inky says, "it's his pie-rogative"
Progue knocks the pie and does some calculations with it.
DB giggles.
yandexx smiles, "Okay, okay"
inky says, "writing is another slightly-fuzzy category, since of course writing is what ties everything together"
scramble laughs
inky says, "in some cases good writing is invisible; in others it's omnipresent"
[peanut-gallery] zarf says, "writing... lies... like a rug"
Guest2 says, "yeah?""
[peanut-gallery] zarf says, "it ties everything together"
[peanut-gallery] DavidW says, "snrk"
[peanut-gallery] BrenBarn says, "heh"
inky says, "the finalists for Best Writing this year are:"
inky says, "Alabaster, by the long list of people"
bigd laughs.
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "aw."
DB says, "Hehe."
yandexx cheers for Alabaster
Felix giggles.
DB claps.
inky says, "Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati"
maga claps
Johnny yay. and yay.
ardubs applauds
inky says, "Make It Good, by Jon Ingold"
DarkStar claps.
Johnny whoo.
Progue claps
BrenBarn says, "whoop"
inky says, "The Shadow in the Cathedral, by Ian Finley and the prolific Jon Ingold"
DarkStar claps.
yandexx applauds
inky says, "and Walker & Silhouette, by CEJ Pacian"
Lucea applauds everyone!
yandexx applauds viciously
Johnny yuh.
DB also applauds everyone.
DavidW says, "Alabaster Goodlegs. Shadow Silhouette. They're cops."
DB laughs.
Ellison claps
NamelessAdventurer hands over the envelope.
jingold wants to know if it's too late to bribe someone
inky says (to jingold), "we can still make it good"
Lottie asks, "It can be too late?"
yandexx smiles
Ellison laughs
DarkStar laughs.
Johnny says, "Ha ha ha"
DB exclaims, "Ha ha!"
inky opens the envelope. "Hrm, the paper's a little weird -- oh, it's not paper, it's stone."
scramble laughs
inky says, "the winner is .. Alabaster!"
yandexx exclaims, "yay finally!"
DavidW says, "woot!"
maga exclaims, "yay!"
yandexx applauds
Gunther says, "Woolabaster"
Lucea applauds!
inky says, "which, for the last time, is by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton, and Ziv Wities"
DB claps, claps, claps.
Johnny says, "yay alright ha ha go"
DarkStar exclaims, "woot!"
djfletch applauds for et al
Progue applauds the game about pretty stone!
BrenBarn says, "huzzah"
Felix clapclap. Clap,
aparrish applauds a lot! for everyone!
Pacian claps for all the above.
ardubs applauds the whole danged collective
jmac yays
ardubs especially applauds Emily for doing 99% of the work
jingold disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again.
jingold arrives from the west.
scramble exclaims, "yay!"
inky says, "and now for the final category"
Johnny says, "Best Use of Pie"
inky says, "exactly"
BrenBarn says, "mmm"
yandexx laughs
Gunther says, "best dance move"
djfletch says, "eating it is the best use of pie"
ardubs says, "it might take until the next XYZZYs to clean up all the pie"
inky says, "I find it a heartening sign that the four finalists for Best Game this year are so different"
inky says, "it's clear IF is still moving in different directions and exploring new territory"
inky says, "and the finalists are .."
inky says, "Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed"
yandexx cheers
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "or they're quartering someone"
DavidW claps
maga claps
inky says, "Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati"
DB claps.
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "I actually skipped this one nomination"
DB claps again!
inky says, "Make It Good, by Jon Ingold"
maga says, "yay"
yandexx applauds
inky says, "and The Shadow in the Cathedral, by Ian Finley and Jon Ingold"
DarkStar cheers.
DB once again applauds.
ardubs exclaims, "whooo!"
Ellison cheers
yandexx cheers once again
Lucea applauds everyone!
Johnny says, "shazam!"
djfletch claps some more
Dave walks out from under the archway south of here, although you didn't notice him approaching it from the other side.
scramble claps some more
aparrish anticipates!
[peanut-gallery] Gunther says, "there is a clear progression: Shadow in the Cathedral leads to Broken Legs, which, when you Make it Good, leads to recuperation in the Blue La(g)una."
inky says, "and the winner of the XYZZY Award for Best Game of 2009 is ..."
NamelessAdventurer pushes inky aside.
DavidW drumroll
NamelessAdventurer exclaims, "Blue Lacuna, by Aaron Reed!"
DavidW says, "HE TALKS"
Lucea applauds!
zarf says, "awesome"
Gunther says, "Wooo"
Felix applauds.
Dave says, "woo"
maga exclaims, "scab!"
jmac applauds!
Johnny says, "yay breaking contract"
yandexx applauds
ardubs applauds bluefully!
vaporware arrives from the west.
NamelessAdventurer is dragged away by a GIANT HOOK.
DB stands and applauds!
Progue stands up looking astonished, humbled, and deeply, deeply confused.
djfletch cheers loudly
yandexx says, "impressive"
BrenBarn says, "whoo"
Ellison applauds
DB sits down, but still claps some.
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "How vaudevillian"
two-star arrives from the west.
Progue says, "Something further, this is awkward. Er... I have a note here that I was given in the case of this eventuality... just a minute..."
jingold goes home.
Progue digs through his trousers
[peanut-gallery] Pacian says, "Ah, an archaeological expedition."
jingold arrives from the west.
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says (to jingold), "aww I thought you ragequitted :P"
Progue pulls out a completely waterlogged note, opens it up, and sees that it has become a completely ink-soaked illegible mess.
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, ""You still did Good""
Progue says, "Oh dear."
ardubs laughs
[peanut-gallery] yandexx says, "gah quotes"
[peanut-gallery] jingold says, "my wifi is not doing good"
Ellison claps
[peanut-gallery] Pacian says, "Buy her some flowers."
[peanut-gallery] Pacian says, "Oh, wait, WIFI."
[peanut-gallery] Lucea says, "heh"
[peanut-gallery] inky says, "ha ha"
[peanut-gallery] jingold says, "blue-cabley ones"
Progue exclaims, "Well, I'll just say many and many thank yous to all those who made this possible! Whoever they may be. Muchly thank yous all!"
yandexx applauds
Johnny claps. slowly.
Progue applauds everyone nominated for anything
DavidW applauds.
Johnny claps quickly.
djfletch muchly applauds
DB applauds muchly.
aparrish applaus
Pacian cheers.
Guest2 goes home.
jingold applauds
yandexx asks, "How much is a ticket to Lacuna?"
Dave says, "is the list complete/"
Dave asks, "?"
inky says (to Dave), "it will be in a minute!"
scramble claps
inky updates the BEST PUZZLES entry on the chalkboard.
jingold goes home.
inky updates the BEST STORY entry on the chalkboard.
inky says, "er"
inky updates the BEST SETTING entry on the chalkboard.
inky updates the BEST STORY entry on the chalkboard.
inky updates the BEST WRITING entry on the chalkboard.
inky updates the BEST GAME entry on the chalkboard.
inky updates the BEST GAME entry on the chalkboard.
inky says, "anyway! thanks to everyone for showing up, and (as always) a special thanks to David Welbourn, without whose game-cataloguing efforts none of this would be able to happen"
inky says, "and thanks to eileen for starting this whole crazy thing"
yandexx says, "EMAG TSEB"
Ellison says, "yay people"
maga claps
inky says, "also, the J Robinson Wheeler subcommittee on getting medals made has rendered his report"
yandexx applauds
Johnny says, "Hooray"
inky says, "which is that he is still working on it and will try for next year"
DB applauds Mr. Welbourn and the MUD in general for the ceremony.
Progue applauds
BrenBarn says, "heh"
DarkStar applauds.
zarf says, "yay"
ardubs thanks inky for pulling the levers and turning the gizmos
djfletch cheers
DavidW says, "yay inky for MCing and new website and stuff!"
aparrish exclaims, "yes and thank you to inky!"
Johnny says, "yay"
Felix clapclapclaps.
Lucea says, "indeed, thank you!"
DB applauds inky!
Ellison says, "thanks, authors, for writing games!"
Pacian applauds gratefully.
DB claps for authors!
yandexx smiles, "thanks indeed"
scramble applauds
ardubs applauds all the finalists, and for that matter everyone on the MUD except Guest4
Progue's stomach growls as he finishes the thing he has been carving. With a smile on his face he vanishes.
Progue drops immaculately beautiful sculpture of a pie.
Progue goes home.
inky says, "ha ha"
DB says, "Ha! What an exit."
Johnny says, "heh"
[peanut-gallery] Johnny says, "That was fast."
ardubs says, "haha nice"
Lottie says, "Oh. I'm still here."
a chalkboard listing the XYZZY Award winners disappears.
Johnny says (to Lottie), "Quick! Change names!"
Lottie says, "Whatever. It's not like you people are judges or anything so I don't need to stay to talk."
ardubs ushers the leopards into an appropriately sized and comfortable transport crate for re-release into the wild
Lottie storms out of the room and in the direction of a blunt object
Pacian asks, "So she's not going to sing then?"
ardubs shovels pie into the transport crate
Lucea says, "I guess not"
DB asks, "I thought she was hanging around for the swimsuit portion?"
inky says, "that was probably just a play for votes"
inky says, "you know Lottie"
aparrish chuckles.
Lucea says, "nah"
DB nods.